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Jumat, 26 November 2010

"Virtual Manipulative" to help learning mathematics

All about Virtual Manipulative Mathematics
hat are Virtual Manipulatives?, Patricia Moyer, Johnna Bolyard, and Mark Spikell (2002) defined a virtual manipulative as "an interactive, Web-based visual representation of a dynamic object that presents opportunities for constructing mathematical knowledge" (p. 373).  Static and dynamic virtual models can be found on the Web, but static models are not true virtual manipulatives.  Static models look like physical concrete manipulatives that have traditionally been used in classrooms, but they are essentially pictures and learners cannot actually manipulate them.  "...[U]ser engagement distinguishes virtual manipulative sites from those sites where the act of pointing and clicking results in the computer's providing an answer in visual or symbolic form" (p. 373).  The key is for students to be able to construct meaning on their own by using the mouse to control physical actions of objects by sliding, flipping, turning, and rotating them.
Virtual manipulatives have a range of characteristics, such as pictorial images only, combined pictorial and numeric images, simulations, and concept tutorials, which include pictorial and numeric images with directions and feedback (Moyer-Packenham, Salkind, & Bolyard, 2008).  Currently, virtual manipulatives are modeled after concrete manipulatives such as base ten blocks, coins, pattern blocks, tangrams, spinners, rulers, fraction bars, algebra tiles, geoboards, and geometric plane and solid figures, and are usually in the form of Java or Flash applets.  Patricia Deubel of CT4ME developed the figure above to illustrate virtual manipulatives found on the Web, which are useful for mastery of basic skills and conceptual understanding of K-12 mathematics and calculus.

What role can virtual manipulatives play in the classroom?

Virtual manipulatives can be used to address standards, such as those in  Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000), which calls for study of both traditional basics, such as multiplication facts, and new basics, such as reasoning and problem solving.  Using manipulatives in the classroom assists with those goals and is in keeping with the progressive movement of discovery and inquiry-based learning. For example, in their investigation of 113 K-8 teachers' use of virtual manipulatives in the classroom, Moyer-Packenham, Salkind, and  Bolyard (2008) found that content in a majority of the 95 lessons examined focused on two NCTM standards:  Number & Operations and Geometry. "Virtual geoboards, pattern blocks, base-10 blocks, and tangrams were the applets used most often by teachers. The ways teachers used the virtual manipulatives most frequently focused on investigation and skill solidification. It was common for teachers to use the virtual manipulatives alone or to use physical manipulatives first, followed by virtual manipulatives" (p. 202).
Virtual manipulatives provide that additional tool for helping students at all levels of ability "to develop their relational thinking and to generalize mathematical ideas" (Moyer-Packenham, Salkind, & Bolyard, 2008, p. 204). All students learn in different ways. For some, mathematics is just too abstract. Most learn best when teachers use multiple instructional strategies that combine "see-hear-do" activities.  Most benefit from a combination of visual (i.e., pictures and 2D/3D moveable objects) and verbal representations (i.e., numbers, letters, words) of concepts, which is possible with virtual manipulatives and is in keeping with Paivio and Clark's Dual Coding Theory .  The ability to combine multiple representations in a virtual environment allows students to manipulate and change the representations, thus increasing exploration possibilities to develop concepts and test hypotheses.  Using tools, such as calculators, allows students to focus on strategies for problem solving, rather than the calculation itself.
According to Douglas H. Clements (1999) in  'Concrete' Manipulatives, Concrete Ideas there is pedagogical value of using computer manipulatives. He said, "Good manipulatives are those that are meaningful to the learner, provide control and flexibility to the learner, have characteristics that mirror, or are consistent with, cognitive and mathematics structures, and assist the learner in making connections between various pieces and types of knowledge—in a word, serving as a catalyst for the growth of integrated-concrete knowledge. Computer manipulatives can serve that function" (Section: The Nature of "Concrete" Manipulatives and the Issue of Computer Manipulatives, para. 2).
Christopher Matawa (1998, p. 1) suggested many Uses of Java Applets in Mathematics Education:
·         Applets to generate examples. Instead of a single image with a picture that gives an example of the concept being taught an applet allows us to have very many examples without the need for a lot of space.
·         Applets that give students simple exercises to make sure that they have understood a definition or concept.
·         Applets that generate data. The students can then analyze the data and try to make reasonable conjectures based on the data.
·         Applets that guide a student through a sequence of steps that the student performs while the applet is running.
·         Applets that present ''picture proofs''. With animation it is possible to present picture proofs that one could not do without a computer.
·         An applet can also be in the form of a mathematical puzzle. Students are then challenged to explain how the applet works and extract the mathematics from the puzzle. This also helps with developing problem solving skills.
·         An applet can set a theme for a whole course. Different versions of an applet can appear at different stages of a course to illustrate aspects of the problem being studied.
While the research is scarce on mathematics achievement resulting from using virtual manipulatives, Moyer-Packenham, Salkind, and Bolyard (2008) found, overall, results from classroom studies and dissertations "have indicated that students using virtual manipulatives, either alone or in combination with physical manipulatives, demonstrate gains in mathematics achievement and understanding" (p. 205).  Generalizability might be a concern, however, as found in Kelly Reimer's and Patricia Moyer's action research study (2005), Third-Graders Learn About Fractions Using Virtual Manipulatives: A Classroom Study.  The study provides a look into the potential benefits of using these tools for learning.  Interviews with learners revealed that virtual manipulatives were helping them to learn about fractions, students liked the immediate feedback they received from the applets, the virtual manipulatives were easier and faster to use than paper-and-pencil, and they provided enjoyment for learning mathematics.  Their use enabled all students, from those with lesser ability to those of greatest ability, to remain engaged with the content, thus providing for differentiated instruction.  But did the manipulatives lead to achievement gains?  The authors do admit to a problem with generalizability of results because the study was conducted with only one classroom, took place only during a two-week unit, and there was bias going into the study.  However, results from their pretest/posttest design indicated a statistically significant improvement in students' posttest scores on a test of conceptual knowledge, and a significant relationship between students' scores on the posttests of conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge.  Applets were selected from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives.
Boston Public Schools has a professional development initiative to provide teachers and students access to virtual manipulatives and technology equipment that directly support the district's math and technology curricula.   Partially funded by a NCLB state grant, SELECT Math contains alignments for Grades 6-8, Algebra I and II, and Geometry with a Scope and Sequence calendar describing which book or chapter is being used in math classes during each month of the school year.  Click on the individual book/chapter to see the related SELECT Math alignments, worksheets, and links to supporting virtual manipulatives. The project began in 2002 as a collaboration between the Boston Public Schools' Secondary Math and Instructional Technology departments, in conjunction with their partner, the Education Development Center, Inc.  CT4ME believes this initiative to be valuable for middle and high school math educators throughout the country.  Visit Teacher2Teacher for more on the role of manipulatives.

 Here is bellowed some link that we can use to practice virtual manipulative at the classroom:


Jumat, 19 November 2010

Perempuan Punya Banyak Cerita....

Oleh: Siti Fatimah Azzahra    (Math. Sec. B-2009110019)

Apa yang anda pikirkan ketika mendengar kata ‘perempuan’?. Mungkin tidak sedikit orang berpikir seperti ini: perempuan itu lemah, harus modis, kurang berani, terlihat pasrah, dan lain sebagainya. Sekali  lagi, apakah anda pernah mendengar, jika seorang perempuan itu tidak harus mengecap pendidikan yang tinggi, karena pada akhirnya juga tugas perempuan itu hanya mengurus anak dan patuh terhadap suami. Maaf, saya tidak termasuk ke dalam golongan tersebut.
Berbicara mengenai gender, tentunya tidak akan ada habis-habisnya dan erat kaitannya dengan perempuan. Hal ini terjadi karena masalah gender merupakan masalah yang kompleks, dalam artian dapat mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. Di antarnya, keharmonisan sebuah keluarga, budaya, juga lingkungan sosial.
 Gender pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Robert Stoller (1968), yang memilki makna dan tujuan untuk memisahkan pencirian manusia, berdasarkan sifat sosial budaya dan kondisi fisik maupun biologis. Namun, hal yang harus digaris bawahi dari makna gender yang membuat orang salah kaprah adalah, gender sama dengan seks, padahal berbeda. Perbedaanya dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini (berdasrakan hasil musyawarah PGRI, 2006):
Perbedaan Sex dan Gender
Ciptaan Tuhan
“Buatan” manusia
Bersifat kodrat
Tidak bersifat kodrat

Tidak dapat berubah
Dapat berubah
Berlaku sepanjang zaman & di mana saja
Tergantung  waktu dan budaya setempat
Gender di mata khalayak sangat erat kaitannya dengan seorang perempuan.  Pada paragrap pertama telah diulas berbagai perspektif tentang  perempuan dan perannya. Meskipun saya tidak termasuk dalam orang yang berpikiran seprti paragrap awal tentang peran perempuan, namun saya termasuk orang yang beraada di dalamnya.
Berikut ini merupakan beberapa isu dan kenyataan yang erat hubungannya dengan gender.
Hidup di tengah keluarga yang konservatif tidaklah mudah, karena terdapat beberapa larangan yang harus dipatuhi, terutama oleh perempuan. Keluarga saya yang notabanenya termasuk orang-orang yang berpikir ke depan, juga tidak mempersilahkan para anak-anak perempuan mereka untuk mengecap pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, cukup hingga tingkat dasar saja atau menengah. Sayangnya,  mereka, para perempuan hanya bisa menundukkan kepala, karena percuma jika mereka bicarapun tidak akan di dengar.
Tidak hanya di pedasaan, keadaan sejenis cerita tersebut pun terjadi di masyarakat perkotaan. Sebut saja kota bunga. Terdapat seorang ibu dengan satu anak. Ibu tersebut tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa selain pasrah hingga hidupnya hancur dan anaknya terlantarkan. Peristiwa ini terjadi, karena sang almarhum suaminya. Dahulu suaminya tidak mengizinkan istrinya untuk membantunya mencari  nafkah, juga lebih menyerahkan semua urusan rumah tangga ke tangan pembantu daripda istrinya. Hingga akhirnya, ketika sumaninya meninggal istrinya tidak bisa hidup berdiri sendiri.
Hanung Bramantyo pun menyumbangkan karyanya dalam sebuah film layar lebar yang berjudul “Perempuan Berkalung Sorban”, yang diambil dari novel  karya Abidah El Khalieqy. Dari film tersebut, Annisa (peran utama) digambarkan sebagai perempuan yang penuh dengan larangan.  Annisa merasa tidak sependapat dengan penjelasa gurunya, yang mengatakan bahwa perempuan sejatinya harus tunduk kepada laki-laki, ini berarti perempuan berada pada posisi yang lemah dan tidak seimbang.
Tiga isu di atas, menggambarkan bahwa perempuan itu tidak lebih hanyalah seorang pembantu rumah tangga dan sebagai penurut. Pendidikan perempuan tidak boleh lebih tinggi dari laki-laki atau suaminya, merupakan masalah klasik yang cukup rumit. Suara perempuan seringkali diabaikan begitu saja, bagaikan hembusan angin belaka. Padahal tidak sedikit dari hasil pemikiran seorang perempuan mampu membawa suasana ke arah yang lebih baik lagi.

Contohnya Raden Adjeng Kartini, seorang putri dari bupati Jepara pada tahun 1980-an, menjadi promotor emansipasi perempuan. Beliau sangat menginginkan para perempuan Indonesia bisa mengecap pendidikan yang lebih tinggi dan suara para perempuan bisa lebih didengar. Berkat kegigihan beliau, kini peran perempuan lebih bisa dihargai daripada masa sebelumnya, meskipun  penyetaraan tersebut belum bisa dirasakan secara menyeluruh oleh semua perempuan, khusnya perempuan di Indonesia.beliau, kini peran perempuan lebih bisa dihargai daripada masa sebelumnya, meskipun  penyetaraan tersebut belum bisa dirasakan secara menyeluruh oleh semua perempuan, khusnya perempuan di Indonesia.

Di era globaslisai saat ini, tentunya tidak etis jika kita semua masih berada pada kelompok orang yang menganggap, bahwa perempuan itu tidak boleh melakukan hal yang dilakukan oleh lawan jenis pada umumnya, contohnya saja bekerja. Kebebasan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan telah diatur dalam UUD RI 1945 pasal 27 ayat 2: “Tiap-tiap warga negara berhak atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan”. Pasal tersebut jelas mengindikasikan bahwa tidak ada batasan yang menghalangi seseorang untuk bekerja, termasuk perempuan. Karena pada hakikatnya laki-laki dan perempuan itu sama, yang membedakan hanya dari segi biologisnya saja.
Indonesia merupakan Negara hukum, yang memiliki aturan sendiri dalam menyampaiakan pendapat.  Dalam UUD RI 1945 pasal 28 yang mengatur hak asasi manusia mengatakan bahwa “Kemerdekaan berserikat dan berkumpul mengeluarkan pikiran dengan lisan dan tulisan dan sebagainya ditetapkan dengan undang-undang”. Pasal ini mendukung keras  kepada setiap warga Negara, untuk tidak segan-segan dalam menyalurkan aspirasi atau pendapat mereka, karena telah dilindungi oleh UU.
Terlepas dari isu-isu yang erat kaitannya dengan gender maupun diskriminasi, sebagai warga Negara Indonesia yang tahu adat istiadatnya, tentu tidak akan membiarkan segala permasalahan larut dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Emansipasi wanita sudah lebih dari 60 tahun di gebrakkan. Hal terpenting bagi adalah kita mampu memberikan dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk Indonesia. Dan untuk para perempuan Indonesia, jangan merasa kecil untuk hal yang lebih besar, karena Josiah G. Holland dalam Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul (2010), mengatakan bahwa “Harta milik paling berharga yang pernah muncul bagi manusia di bumi ini adalah hati seorang perempuan.”

Canfield, J., dkk. 2010. Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Majelis Permusyawartan Rakyat Republik Indonesia. 2000. Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, Amandemen II. Jakarta. Diambil pada 11 November 2010, dari http://id.wikisource.org/wiki/Undang-Undang_Dasar_Negara_Republik_Indonesia_Tahun_1945/Perubahan_II#Pasal_28,
NN. 2010. Kartini. Diambil pada 16 November 2010, dari http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kartini#Pemikiran
NN. 2009. Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. Diambil pada 15 November 2010, dari http://www.21cineplex.com/perempuan-berkalung-sorban,movie,2004.htm
 Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia. 2006. Apa itu Gender?. Diambil pada 15 November 2010, dari http://www.scribd.com/doc/2591144/-Konsep-Gender
Toer, P., A. 2003. Panggil Aku Kartini Saja. Jakarta: Lentera Dipantara.

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Teaching Assistance will help Learning Process

Begins with a story, a story is about teaching assistance to develop education. 
There are so many lesson and value from teaching assistance and teaching experience that SSE's students who have done for their third semester project. At that time, some of them doing teaching assistance at SMAIT Nurul Fikri which  located at Jl. H. Sairi no. 145, Tugu-Cimanggis, Depok.  In this season, they have so many activities that are invaluable and unforgettable.
Actually, the team teaching have to teach at the second week, nevertheless in fact it doesn’t appropriate with campus’s plan. The school where students attend, ask to them for helping to teach. Thus, some of them have to teach at the first week, detail at the second day. They have to teach for X-B-Girl Class. In SMAIT Nurul Fikri the class are divided into two whole big class, girl-class and boy-class. Before they teach, they have to make a lesson plan. What a wonderful acrivity!
First day, they observed the class X-C boys and searching school data of SMAIT Nurul Fikri for completing administration. Based on their observation, the learning process is less effective, because I see that some of students don’t pay attention to the lesson and there exist students who still understand not ye about the course, quadratic equation. We konw with this situation, teaching whole  students and make them understand is not easy, and therefore being an effective teacher is not easy, although we have been a teacher or professional teacher.
For the next day, they have taught. They teach more than time that their campus has predetermined. They teach for the second until fifth day, but the way of teaching methods are different. At the second and third they teach at X-B-Girl class. The students are curiosity of the lesson, even though they are a little bit annoying. However, they try to be patient and know about them.  For the third fourth and fifth day, the class is made be small class. It means the class are divided into small group and we as a tutor of them.
Fortunately :-) , the small class  makes class be more effective than big class, because the student’s understanding and their attention will be easier to be controlled and students said that they more brave to ask what they o not understand not yet.
That’s all the story about teaching assistance. Hopefully, we as teacher candidate or whoever you are will do the best for education of Indonesia. :-) ;)

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Part of the Most Important in Education: Cause Woman is Invaluable

Part of the Most Important in Education: Cause Woman is Invaluable

Cause Woman is Invaluable

"Wonder Woman",,, Have you hear that words? I will not talk about wonder that equal with strengths. But, I prefer to woman who needs education to spend her life as a woman.

Some people have been admitted about it. As a woman, we can do anything that is invaluable. Let's say mother as an example of a wonder woman. We cannot determine about her exactlyThere is no words that could describe for what she had done, from the time before becoming a mother till being a mother.So many things has done and fill in the run his life. 
Ya!!!  Education is the key  that must be so fulfilled by us. Keep in our mind, getting an education is the part of human right of every individual, without exception  a man or a woman. Therefore, education is key in achieving the success, both this world and hereafter.
However, there are still some people who judge, that a woman is not necessarily has high school (in terms of rights to acquire limited education).

 I have a little spirit for all woman at the world and retrieve from "Chicken Soup"-for the Woman Soul

Wanita Hebat
Para wanita cantik bertanya-tanya di mana rahasiaku terletak
Aku tidak mungil atau memiliki bentuk tubuh yang aduhai
Tetapi ketika aku mulai mengatakan pada mereka,
Mereka pikir aku berdusta
Aku berkata
Itu dalam jangkauan tanganku
Dalam rentang pahaku
Dalam jengkal langkahku
Dalam cibiran bibirku
Aku seorang wanita
Secara luar biasa
Wanita yang hebat
Itulah aku

Aku berjalan memasuki ruangan
Sesejuk  kamu menyambut
Dan kepada seorang lelaki
Orang-orang yang berdiri atau berlutut
Lantas mereka mengerumuniku
Sarang lebah madu
Aku berkata
Itu adalah api dalam mataku
Dan kemilau gigiku
Goyangan dalam pinggulku
Dan kegembiraan dalam kakiku
Aku seorang wanita
Secara luar biasa
Wanita yang hebat
Itulah aku

Kaum lelaki sendiri bertanya-tanya
Apa yang mereka lihat dalam diriku
Mereka berusaha mati-matian
Tapi mereka tidak dapat menyentuh
Misteri batinku
Ketika aku mencoba menunjukkan pada mereka
Mereka mengatakan mereka tidak dapat melihat
Aku mengatakan
Itu dalam lengkungan punggungku
Mentari senyumku
Debaran jantungku
Keagungan gayaku
Aku seorang wanita
Secara luar biasa
Wanita yang hebat
Itulah aku

Sekarang kamu mengerti
Mengapa kepalaku tidak menunduk
Aku tidak berteriak atau melompat
Atau harus bicara begitu keras
Ketika kamu melihat berlalu
Itu harusnya membuatmu bangga
Aku mangatakan
Itu ada dalam bunyi tumitku
Dalam rambutku yang mengombak
Dalam tapak tanganku
Kebutuhan akan kepedulianku
Sebab aku seorang wanita
Secara luar biasa
Wanita yang hebat
Itulah aku

(as cited in Chicken Soup for the Woman Soul -  Maya Angelou)

The Implementation of Multiple Intelligences in Indonesian Education

Education is the basic of all elements, which gives a contribution for our country and our lives. With multiple intelligences possessed by humans, it can be other ways to make better Indonesian education. Indonesian aware about it includes me. Applying the theories of multiple intelligences is the key to get better education in Indonesia. However, we cannot avoid from the reality those schools in Indonesia are still weak to apply the theories of multiple intelligences exactly. Indonesia has to find the best method for education.
 The meaning of Intelligence from etymology side, intelligence comes from Latin verb intelligere, which means "to understand". On the other words, intelligence (as understanding) is arguably different from being "smart" (able to adapt to one's environment). Howard Gardner argues (as cited in Santrock, 2008) that intelligence is a human intellectual competence skill for problem solving—enabling the individual to resolve problems, to create an effective product, the potential for finding or creating problems and thereby laying the groundwork for the acquisition of new knowledge. Besides that, intelligence is goal-directed adaptive behavior (Sternberg & Salter, as cited in Santrock, 2008).
Talking about multiple intelligences, there are eight multiple intelligences which are possessed by individual. Howard Gardner proposed it, they are linguistic intelligence ("word smart"), logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart"), spatial intelligence ("picture smart"), bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart"), musical intelligence ("music smart"), interpersonal intelligence ("people smart"), intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart"), and naturalist intelligence ("nature smart) (as cited in Wikipedia, 2010).
Based on research, there are case studies the weakness of multiple intelligences applications in Indonesian school, conducted by Wiyono E (2008, as cited in Teacher Guide, 2008). He is an associate trainer for teacher guide. The result of his research indicates there are eight things cause the education destructions in Indonesia. This eight things are school system in Indonesia is very focus to score, there is school does not educate, education system is base on class and theory, school still uses the rank for destining student’s capability, education system does not have an aim exactly, the exam is base on writing, underestimate of non-exacta subject, and there is the phenomenon of favorite school.
Focus to score is one of the school systems in Indonesia (Teacher Guide, 2008). It means that IQ is the prime of education aspects (Hallam, S., as cited in Ubaydillah, A. N, 2004). Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a person’s mental age (MA) divided by chronological age (CA) multiply by 100 (Binet test) (Santrock, 2008).  I know that IQ is important and the result of IQ is correlated with academic achievement (Lubinski, 2000, as cited in Santrock, 2008). Nevertheless, according to me, IQ is not referable to be standard. Score is reflecting on the ability of student in memory. There is teacher subjectivist when the teacher appraises her or his student. In this case, school in Indonesia is only facilitating one of multiple intelligences, whereas there are still multiple intelligences that we must improve well.
 Only facilitating one of multiple intelligences cannot be standard of individuals’ nimbleness. Thomas Amstrong said that everybody who was born in the world has unique potency (Teacher Guide, 2008). If the person is educated well, it can give a good contribution for the world. The biggest challenge ignores the big stone which block their ways in determining, evolving, and making celebrate about their godsend that they have.
For me, school only produces a person who wants to get a certificate or school diploma. One of school in Indonesia teaches the students only. Whereas the important of education is the way to teach to the students, Indonesian school has to educate the student, not teach (Teacher Guide, 2007). In my mind, teach and educate are different. Teaching is a process to change the way of students thinking and teaching becomes critical thinking, and intellectual thinking. Educating is stage to build the behavior and will result the best attitude. Good attitude will appear if we use our emotional intelligences (EQ), because EQ will upgrade human feeling and will create the balance of them and people who has high EQ can improve their happiness and change the sadness to be useful (Goleman D, as cited in Ubaydillah, 2004). Emotianal intelligence is also stated in Gardner’s theory i.e. interpersonal and intrapersonal (as cited in Santrock, 2008)
Almost school in Indonesia use system rank to decide students’ intelligence and compare with the other students’ intelligence (Teacher Guide, 2008). As we know, that the ranking cannot explain an intelligence absolutely. According to me, we get the rank from the sum of all subjects which we learn, and the subject is so varieties. For instance, let’s say the totality of subject is six and there are three students who learn about material. For clearer, look at the table below:
Score of students’ Initial
Student X
Student Y
Student Z
Indonesian Language

Based on table, we can see that every student has supremacy score. Then it is right that student X is the first rank if we just view of total score, but we can see from other sides that each score is more superior than the others. It will be better, if the rank of student based on each subject. However, we cannot avoid, that the rank will be reference if we go to work area. Hence, individual who have high score is easier to get a job than the individual who have low score (Wagner, 1997). Apa artinya prestasi akademik, tanpa sikap empati dan peduli” (Sugiharto S., 2008, p. 6).
As we know that examination is base on writing only in Indonesia. Writing is significant and makes a big contribution to Indonesian education. At long lasting, we study forcedly to understand all of subjects. Nevertheless, our God have created the human with several abilities and the world perfectly. Each person has primary intelligence. In my opinion, the other way to exam is observation. Estimation based on research or observation will be better understanding for student about meaning of real lives. Not only writing, but also practice (go to real life).
 Mostly, people perspectives that the students who had better understand about science considered genius persons (Teungku, R.A., 2008, as cited in Pumping Teacher, 2008). In addition, students appreciated highly who has skill in the other category such as art or linguistic. It perspective has been part of human life including us. Although exact and non-exact subjects is one of part knowledge that cannot be detachable and it means that our intelligences must apply equally. Leonardo da Vinci said that art and science is equivalent from human ability and expertise. To make better the understanding of science, human need to know about art. Moreover, Howard Gardner (as cited in Santrock, 2008) argues that the students has the impulsive method in art sector, but also has the reflective method in problem solving.
Based on Eddy research (Teacher Guide, 2008), the education destructions is an application the multiple intelligences has not spread evenly in Indonesia. The school is only primary on intelligence quotient and avoid the others intelligences. Whereas, the intelligence everyone have to extractive and dig forsooth, in order we can get the best output.
Indonesian school must pay attention about education development. One of method is evolving emotional intelligence that human has. For instance, a school in Indonesia named School High/ Scope do the social activity named is the charity program. They pay respect to Elementary School at Bidadari Cina, Bintaro-West Jakarta. Their activities is to give a TV, books, group discussion, dynamic playing, common gallery, etc (Sugiharto, S., as cited in Teacher Guide, 2008). This activity is conducted to train their emotional quotient (interpersonal) and their charity. Peter Salove and John Mayer (1990) (as cited in Santrock, 2008) argues that emotional intelligence is the ability for mentoring of express emotion, perceive, and adaptively. In this case, indicate that there is a social intelligence in action (as cited in Dewey, J., 2008).
Daniel Goleman (1995) argues that emotional intelligence will be prediction about their competition (as cited in Santrock, 2008). Besides that, Goleman in his book “Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships” (2006) said that intelligences divided two part. They are social awareness and social facility. Social awareness is about what we are fallen to others and social facility is about what we will do, after we have the social awareness.
Implementing multiple intelligences is also the right way to make Indonesian education better. I have several stages that can apply intelligence i.e. teacher and students have to make target of lesson revenue and they are allowed to negotiate it. Teacher and students discuss for making a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). Pupils are given an opportunity by teacher about what way teaching they are wants. The result of discussion will be a barometer for students and teacher to grasp their goals (Kyriacoua, C., 1998). Afterwards, teacher has to identify the student’s personality and the ability of students’ intelligence. Teacher makes the daily notes for students’ progress, compare of personality and intelligence ability that students has. In addition, teacher has to make evaluation of all and find the solution.
 I am sure that all Indonesian people want to get the best education. Applying multiple intelligences smoothly is the right method to realize it. However, we have to do it, talk less do more.